Today’s eco snapshot👇🏽
Transforming fishing nets into basketball nets
Using antacids to solve the climate crisis: Planetary
5 Brands for Sustainable Living
News That Lifted My Spirits This Week
Community Asks
🏀 Transforming fishing nets into basketball nets
The NBA's Nets for Change initiative is turning ghost (fishing) nets, often called 'silent killers,' into useful basketball nets for communities in India.
Fishing nets account for 80% of marine pollution in India. Nets for Change is working with local diving and fishing communities to procure these nets from the oceans.
It then converts them into basketball nets.
This solves a key environmental problem while making sports more accessible for people, especially young female athletes.
A true circular solution!
⌛ Time for the quiz of the week
This island nation has decided to become Net Zero by 2040, 10 years ahead of most nations.
With a population of roughly 22 million, this is also the first Asian nation to incorporate the goal of net zero carbon emissions in its national policy.
Answer at the end of the newsletter. No one (including me) can see your response so feel free to vote 😉
✨ Using antacids to solve the climate crisis: Planetary
Gas Gloom…Greenhouse gases are at an all-time high, impacting all aspects of our lives, including the air we breathe, the water sources we rely on, and the food we eat. They are also damaging the ocean, raising its temperature and making it more acidic.
The team at Planetary is solving this crisis.
Carbon Cycle…We know that plants have a carbon cycle where they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, which is then sequestered as biomass and stored in soils. Similarly, oceans also have a carbon cycle known as the geologic carbon cycle. Oceans in fact hold almost 90% of Earth’s surface carbon.
It works like this:
As rain falls through the sky, it picks up excess CO2 and becomes slightly acidic.
When this rain falls on rocks around the world, some of the acid is neutralized by antacids in the rocks.
This is converted to other dissolved compounds called carbonates and bicarbonates.
Over time, these compounds travel through streams and rivers and accumulate in the ocean.
They remain dissolved there for roughly 100,000 years before entering long-term geologic storage.
However, this natural process takes thousands of years.
Planetary is accelerating this process to address the urgency of the climate crisis. Here’s how it works:
Excess emissions enter the ocean and make it acidic.
Planetary adds antacid to the ocean through its Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) process.
This neutralizes the CO2, transforming it into a stable salt that helps support marine life.
Once transformed, the carbon is stored in the ocean for 100,000 years.
This creates space for more CO2 from the air to enter the ocean.
And the process continues…
✅ 5 Brands for Sustainable Living
Arbor: The app that helps you save on energy costs and live more sustainably.
Equiwatt: Helping consumers lower their carbon footprint while helping them save money.
Mother Tree: World's first money carbon calculator.
Share At Door Step: Makes it convenient for you to donate stuff that you no longer need.
Kitche: This app helps you reduce food waste and save money.
😹 News That Lifted My Spirits This Week
Teen Triumph…Two 17-year-olds, Victoria Ou and Justin Huang, earned $50,000 for creating a device that filters toxic microplastics from water using ultrasound technology.
Island Triumph…Nine small island states won a historic climate change case at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), compelling countries to protect oceans by reducing fossil fuel emissions.
Norway vs. Nature…WWF-Norway is suing the government for allowing seabed mining without proper impact investigation.
🙋 Community Asks
Iryna is looking for full-time or freelance work focused on content creation for green/eco projects. Check out her sci-fi and cli-fi short stories and illustrations.
Sahil is based out of Toronto and is looking to support vegan businesses on a part-time basis. His expertise is in logistics and operations.
If you would like your request to be featured here, please comment below or reply to this email (it’s free!).
💁🏼 3 Ways I Can Support Your Sustainability Journey
Do you want to be featured in this newsletter and on LinkedIn, where I write impactful stories (almost) every day? Submit your story
If you’re a planet-friendly brand, I can help you with your blogs, newsletters, case studies, and whitepapers. Here’s some of my recent work
If you would like to chat about anything related to sustainability and climate change, you can book a free 20-minute call (booked for June 2024)

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Enjoy your weekend, and see you next week😊