Sitemap - 2022 - 🤷🏽‍♂️Not My Problem

Planning to build new habits in 2023?

I love this thing about India

Can you help me?

Forget about shortening your showers

Not My Problem has a new domain name

This image summarizes COP 27 pretty well

I am a climate hypocrite

Some exciting news!

Here are some environment friendly protein sources

Our favourite wines are moving off shelf

You didn't unsubscribe after the last edition

Here's a new format for this newsletter

Your health and the planet's health are related

How did Amsterdam become the cycling capital of the world?

Half of all the habitable land is used for THIS one activity

The term garbage has a marketing problem

This is what the world will look like in next 10, 20 & 30 years

What happens to your old phones and laptops?

A student created water soluble packaging for Instant Noodles

Turn your trash into treasure

Rainwater is no longer safe to drink

My favourite food is under threat

Plastic is giving birth to new creatures

The most recent victim of climate change

Children grow 7 sizes in their first 2 years

A military vehicle from WW II resurfaced in Italy

I ordered a hand soap last week

There might have been some mistake...

2050 is too far...

Spain's new "doggy bag" law

Colonialism caused Climate Change

Change this one setting at your home

EVs first came in 1870

We have a reuse before recycle system in our house


Why did a climate scientist lock himself at a bank?

Climate Change is no longer a 2050 problem

Plastic plastic everywhere

I was taught non-renewables are limited

The massive CO2 emitter you may not have heard of

Are Electric Vehicles green?

Food Waste vs Plastic Waste- which is worse?

Stop looking at expiration dates

I never viewed this as a privilege

I chose convenience over sustainability

My Gillette Foam came without a cap

Right beneath our feet, we have a clean energy source

There's a barter system that still runs in India

It's the most carbon intensive activity an individual can do